Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Is my husband ever going to blog again???

It has been a long time since we have seen anything new on Brandon's blog! I encourage all of my readers to visit him here and give him a little pep talk, a bit of harassment, an honest plea for him to return to the blogging world, or just a kind word of encouragement. Everybody loves Brandon, right? Even my non commenting stalkers need to do this (Deanna). I feel much better now. Thank you for your support in this matter.


Anonymous said...

OK- So I'm a stalker! I love being able to keep up with my friend's lives though. I feel like I am always caught so up in my own life that I do not have the time to make the phone calls and visits with friends that I should. Maybe some day I will feel up to starting my own blog so you can stalk me too. Love you girl! Deanna

Jill said...

You just made my day Deanna! Thanks for commenting... I am so blessed to have your friendship!!!